Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thoughts About Ice Storm From My Friends In Iowa

I am a member of a weather group on Google. It's called the Mid West
Weather group, and it can be found at

Many of the group's
members are from
Iowa and have been experiencing this most recent winter storm. I'd like to
share some of their thoughts with you all as well! Please feel free to join
the group as well as giving your comments.

If you have experienced any portion of this storm, please send me an E-Mail
at, and I will include your posts on the blog. I will
even send your thoughts and experiences to the Google group if you wish.

Thought 1

An Iowa native, group owner Perry states the following, "Heard on local
radio a local police officer named Greg who reported atleast 12
accidents about 45 minutes ago. It is really coming down and it's freezing
BE CAREFUL if you need to be out."

Thought 2

Scott, another Iowa native, responded to Perry's comments. He states the
following, "Perry is absolutely right! I was supposed to head into work
this morning, but didn't get there due to the conditions. We tried to make
it up a hill where a truck had just stopped in the middle of it, but no one
was going anywhere, so we found a driveway
to turn around and come back home, almost hitting a van in the process.
Stay safe and stay warm!"

Thought 3

A later eye-witness account from Mid West Weather group owner Perry. He
says, "Just got back in from going outside and we are receiving heavy ice in
Des Moines.
I would guess it's actually more sleet at this point. It's 27 degrees and
not supposed
to warm till atleast 3 p.m. The traffic was very slow and there have been
lots of
canselations already this morning"

Thought 4

I myself stated the following, "Well, I'm glad you guys are safe! It sounds
it's been quite a doozy of a storm!
I've been posting everything on the

blog! Take Care!"

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